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Ambassador John Bolton is a regular guest on television, radio, and writes columns for major media publications. Check back here daily to for commentary and analysis of breaking news and current events from John Bolton.

Hamas has just won a major victory over Israel

November 24, 2023

The hostage deal has costs as well as benefits – and it’s the terrorists who stand to gain most Beware of terrorists bearing gifts. Compassionate goals and unrelenting war make for a complex mix. While freeing Hamas’s October 7 victims is laudable, there are right and wrong ways to...

Resettlement from Gaza must be an option

November 16, 2023

Israel is far from eliminating Hamas’s terrorist threat, but what becomes of Gaza Strip residents thereafter? One viable long-term solution that receives little attention is resettling substantial numbers of Gazans. Rejecting this idea reflexively risks dooming the Middle East to continuing terrorism and instability. For decades after Israel’s creation,...

Israel is running out of time before Biden damns it to defeat

November 7, 2023

We should be alarmed: the US’s support is rapidly eroding in part thanks to Iran’s propaganda efforts US secretary of state Antony Blinken’s trip this week to Israel, Jordan and other key players in the region vividly demonstrates the dangerous misconceptions underlying America’s Middle East policy. Blinken’s visit also shows how...

Biden risks American lives by refusing to hold Iran to account

November 2, 2023

While there is no serious doubt Iran is driving the Middle East crisis, President Biden continues ignoring the strategic implications of this fundamental reality. As in Ukraine, where the administration worries more about Russian “escalation” than Ukrainian victory, Biden worries more about the Middle East conflict “spreading” beyond Israel and Hamas...

Biden’s foolish reward for Venezuela

October 31, 2023

Venezuela today vividly represents the collapse of effective American foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere. Receiving unfortunately little attention, President Joe Biden’s misguided, dangerous efforts to lift economic sanctions against this oppressive regime will undermine Venezuela’s democratic opposition and entrench the criminal syndicate now in power. The United States and a solid phalanx...

Both Parties Can Agree on America’s Nuclear Peril

October 25, 2023

To deter threats from China and Russia, the U.S. needs to modernize and recapitalize its arsenal. ‘Unanimous” and “bipartisan” outcomes are rare in today’s Washington. “America’s Strategic Posture,” the recent report from the congressional commission on U.S. nuclear capabilities and defense strategies, merits those laurels. Led by Madelyn Creedon, a...

Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Joe O’Dea for U.S. Senate

September 30, 2022

The Democrats refuse to stand up to aggressors like China, Russia and Iran. Michael Bennet is no exception. Our security depends on having leaders at home who are determined to face America’s challenges head-on. I believe Joe O’Dea will never approve a new Iran nuclear agreement, but Michael Bennet would. The choice is clear.

Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Ted Budd for U.S. Senate

Cheri Beasley has gone out of her way to try and make herself look less extreme than she actually is. We already have enough senators whose views do more damage to American security than our enemies ever could. National security issues are important to North Carolina voters, which is why they know the clear choice for a strong and safe America is Ted Budd.

Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Leora Levy for U.S. Senate

Leora’s unique personal story will bring a special perspective to debates in the Senate when it comes to national security. Through her work with veterans’ groups, she is also uniquely positioned to be a voice for the needs of those who serve. I am confident she won’t be intimidated by America’s enemies, which is a big change from what Connecticut has now in the Senate.

New Poll Finds Trump Hurts Republican Chances in Key Senate Races

July 28, 2022

July 28, 2022 CONTACT: Sarah Tinsley, Director John Bolton SuperPAC 202-621-8056 [email protected] Independents’ Opposition to Trump Could Give Democrats Outright Senate Control. Washington D.C. – A new national survey conducted by John Bolton Super PAC of likely voters in four key Senate battleground states (Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, and...


Ambassador John Bolton, a diplomat and a lawyer, has spent many years in public service. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2005-2006. He was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security from 2001 to 2005. In the Reagan Administration, he was an Assistant Attorney General.