
Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rep. John James for U.S. House of Representatives in Michigan’s Tenth District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of John James for U.S. House of Representatives for Michigan’s Tenth District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his reelection campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“I have endorsed John James because as an Army veteran and businessman, John has the unique background Americans need as a voice for common sense leadership in Washington. After eight years of active-duty military service, I know John has what it takes to stand up to our adversaries and defend our allies. I’m proud to give him my endorsement.”

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.





Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Former Representative Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate from Michigan

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of former Representative Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate from Michigan. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“Mike Rogers has a concrete record of doing what it takes to combat corruption and keeping Americans secure. As a veteran and former FBI Special Agent, Mike has proved throughout his life that he is the kind of person to step up and serve his country.

During his tenure as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Mike Rogers knew the threats facing our country from the likes of China, Iran, and Russia.  Throughout his seven terms in the House of Representatives, Mike Rogers led by example and put America’s security first, which is why I’m proud to endorse him for the U.S. Senate from Michigan in 2024. “

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.




Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Vikram Mansharamani for U.S. House of Representatives for New Hampshire’s Second District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of Vikram Mansharamani for U.S. House of Representatives in New Hampshire’s Second District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $5,000 to his primary campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“I am endorsing Vikram Mansharamani in this critical race because he is committed to strengthening America’s national security and maintaining our most crucial alliances. His experience as an entrepreneur and advisor to Fortune 500 companies also makes him a stand-out voice for commonsense measures to reduce inflation at a time when American families need it most. I am confident and trust that sending Vikram to Washington D.C. is good for New Hampshire and our national security and standing in the world.

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.




Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rep. David Valadao for U.S. House of Representatives for California’s Twenty-First District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced that the John Bolton PAC is once again endorsing Rep. David Valadao for U.S. House of Representatives for California’s Twenty-First District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $5,000 to his reelection campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“David Valadao has a strong track record of supporting our allies and strengthening our military. He has worked to secure our vulnerable, southern border. As an influential member on the House Appropriations Committee, David has impressed me with his fiscal leadership. He is the son of immigrants and a lifelong farmer and I’m proud to endorse him today.”

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.




John Bolton PAC Makes Major Spending Commitment In Maryland’s Critical US Senate Race: New Poll Confirms Strong Support for Larry Hogan

John Bolton PAC budgets $1MM towards a digital ad blitz in support of Larry Hogan as a new Bolton PAC poll shows Hogan with a clear path to victory.

Washington D.C. – Ambassador John Bolton’s PAC announced they will budget at least $1 million to independent expenditures in support of former Governor Larry Hogan’s campaign for the U.S. Senate from Maryland. The campaign will be entirely digital, focusing heavily on connected television and social media. The campaign will launch almost immediately, running statewide through Election Day. Since 2014, John Bolton has spent over $8 million on major independent expenditures in key battleground U.S. Senate races, including releasing over 60 television ads.

A new poll conducted by John Bolton PAC reveals former Governor Larry Hogan is in a tight general election race. Bolton PAC polled both the election and national security interests among Maryland voters. Key findings include:

  • Larry Hogan is extremely well-liked in the state, with a fav/unfav of 61-31. He is more popular than President Biden.
  • Hogan is overwhelmingly seen as a moderate – 40%, with only small numbers of voters saying they identify with the political extremes.
  • Maryland voters are pessimistic about the future, with nearly 60% saying the country is heading in the wrong direction.
  • Nearly half of Maryland voters think World War 3 is somewhat/very close, reflecting a huge level of anxiety.

Ambassador John Bolton on Larry Hogan:

“Maryland knows Larry Hogan. Now that he’s running for federal office, Democrats will do everything in their power to scare voters into believing he’s someone different than the person we all know and trust. The reality is, if America wants to stand tall against the likes of Russia, China, and Iran, it’s going to require competent and stable leadership at home, especially in the Senate. Larry is the obvious choice for Maryland.”

Characterizing the survey’s results, Ambassador John Bolton said:

“Our data shows that this race is winnable for Hogan. Maryland knows Larry Hogan and it would be wrong to simply treat him like another politician. It’s an uphill climb for Democrats, not the other way around.”

Ambassador Bolton was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and is a life-long resident of the state.

These findings are based on a survey conducted on behalf of John Bolton PAC of likely general election voters in Maryland was taken between May 8-10, 2024, by Torchlight Strategies. Sample Size n=644, conducted using live surveys, text, and online panels (324 Live + 173 Text +148 Online Panel).  The survey of general election voters has a margin of error of +/- 3.9% at a 95% confidence interval. A polling summary can be found online at:  https://www.boltonpac.com/2024/05/maryland-us-senate-race-live-text-benchmark-topline-results/

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.





Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick for U.S. House of Representatives for Pennsylvania’s First District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick for U.S. House of Representatives in Pennsylvania’s First District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his reelection campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“Brian Fitzpatrick is an FBI Agent turned Congressman who has worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the American people. I’m proud to endorse Representative Fitzpatrick in his reelection because he understands the importance of an uncompromised United States foreign policy.

Statement by Brian Fitzpatrick:

“We can only attain a lasting peace through projecting American strength and supporting our allies when freedom is on the line. We live in a dangerous world where belligerent powers like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are seeking to actively relitigate the post-World War II international system that the United States put in place to preserve peace. I will always stand on the side of liberty, freedom, and democracy, and I am proud to have the support of Ambassador John Bolton in my efforts.

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.




Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rep. Anthony D’Esposito for U.S. House of Representatives for New York’s Fourth District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of Rep. Anthony D’Esposito for U.S. House of Representatives in New York’s Fourth District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $5,000 to his reelection campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“As a former detective, Congressman Anthony D’Esposito has seen humanity at its worst, yet he’s never let that stop him from doing what’s right. He’s continuously stood up for our allies and condemned evil whenever it arises. I’m proud to stand alongside Congressman D’Esposito as he fights to maintain America’s strength in the midst of international strain.”

Statement by Anthony D’Esposito:

“Defending our homeland calls for an engaged United States on the world stage, and all Americans were proud of Ambassador John Bolton for his work advancing American principles and priorities during his time in public service. I am honored to receive his endorsement.”

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.




Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rep. Mike Lawler for U.S. House of Representatives for New York’s Seventeenth District

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs,  Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of  Rep. Mike Lawler to the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s Seventeenth  District. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his  reelection campaign.  

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:  

“I’m endorsing Representative Mike Lawler because he understands that peace can  only be achieved through strength. Since arriving in Washington last year, Mike has  been a trusted voice in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and stood up to Joe Biden’s  weakness on the world stage. Congressman Lawler is a dedicated public servant who  has proven he’ll do whatever it takes to get America back on the right track.” 

Statement by Representative Mike Lawler:  

“I’m thankful to Ambassador Bolton for his years of service. I deeply understand the  importance of American leadership on the global stage and know that we cannot shy  away from our responsibility on this front. Whether it’s supporting our allies overseas,  including Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, or investing in our military, I will never back away  from supporting America’s important role in preserving peace, freedom, and  democracy.” 

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation,  Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public  discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton  has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift,  decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play  in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30  million for his organizations. 


Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Rick Scott for Senate in Florida

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of Senator Rick Scott for U.S. Senate from Florida. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his reelection campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“Rick Scott has a long and proven record as a public servant that Floridians can trust to keep them safe. During his service in the Navy, as Governor, or now, as a United States Senator, Rick Scott has put America’s security first.

After returning from Israel, Rick Scott took to X (formerly Twitter):

“What I saw this week has only reinforced the undeniable fact that the United States and Israel have a common security interest in destroying Hamas and getting hostages back home TODAY.”

Senator Scott has always led by example and knows the threats we face from the likes of Iran, China, North Korea and Russia. I’m proud to endorse Senator Rick Scott in his 2024 reelection campaign.”

About the John Bolton PAC (www.boltonpac.com): Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.



Ambassador John Bolton Endorses Dave McCormick for Senate in Pennsylvania

Washington D.C. – Former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Ambassador John R. Bolton, announced the John Bolton PAC’s endorsement of Dave McCormick for the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania. Additionally, the John Bolton PAC will make a contribution of $10,000 to his election campaign.

Statement by Ambassador John Bolton:

“Dave McCormick is a battle-tested veteran who bravely served the United States as a paratrooper in Operation Desert Storm. It is this kind of experience and understanding of national security that is sorely needed in the U.S. Senate.

As Dave McCormick said in a December speech in Philadelphia: “To put it bluntly, China poses the greatest threat to our security and our well-being since the end of World War II, and our nation’s leaders, including career politicians like Pennsylvania’s Senator Bob Casey, have gotten China wrong for more than two decades.”

As a conservative leader who proudly stands with Israel and wants to hold China accountable, I trust Dave to make the right calls in the Senate. That’s why I’m happy to announce my endorsement of Dave McCormick today.”



Ambassador John Bolton, a diplomat and a lawyer, has spent many years in public service. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2005-2006. He was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security from 2001 to 2005. In the Reagan Administration, he was an Assistant Attorney General.